As a Graduate Assistant, I was a co-instructor for English 611: Approaches to Teaching College Composition. The professor and I heavily revised a previous version of her English 611 syllabus, creating a new sequence of assignments and readings and implementing an ungrading assessment system; I contributed to draft feedback, lesson plans, and leading discussion as well. As a prior Assistant Director of the Academic Writing Program and English 101 instructor-of-record, I offered unique, individual contributions to the English 611 syllabus, including developing 2 major written assignment prompts inspired by the standard UMD English 101 syllabus.
Furthermore, I researched, read, recommended, and replaced over half the readings from the old English 611 syllabus. I collected about 52 readings, offered summaries to the professor, and decided with the professor which readings to assign (resulting in about 42 new readings).
Below is an abbreviated copy of this syllabus, with some information removed. Everything in purple highlights either my own unique contributions to the syllabus or sections the professor and I collaborated on together.